Slang from Mexico/chiapas

2 november 2018 - Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico

Hello dear reader, the past weeks some things happened language-wise that I didn't want to spend a whole post on. But now I have collected enough of them to write them down.

If you think learning Spanish will be enough to become fluent in Chiapas, well, you are wrong. They use so much slang language, it's like learning everything all over again. 

Un pero becomes un chucho. But only in chiapas and Guatemala, because chucho in the rest of Mexico is used for someone who has the name Jesus. 

Chido is a word used for everything you like or you think is cool or beautiful. You can use the expression 'que chido' to say 'that is so beautiful/nice/cool/...' . 

La verga is a word that is quiet offensive and you can use it more or less any sentence, any context. 

Burro was as I remembered in Spanish a donkey, but if something is unexpected and/or surprises you, you can say here "ah burro". 

No manchas ! Is an expression you can use when your conversation partner says something joking or says something stupid or something you don't believe. In Dutch dialect I would translate it as 'och joeng, zievert nie'. 

This funny song explains the feeling very well :)

Furthermore, with the knowledge of the slang above, I want to share how I learned the offensive word verga. This conversation I had several times. 

Hola, me llamo Benjamin.

Hola, de donde eres?

Soy belga. 

Jajajaja ja jajajaja (Spanish laughter) que? eres verga?

... So yeah, I have introduced myself multiple times as being a penis. Wauw, so funny. Ha. Ha. Ha. Let's all have a big laugh and get it over with. So I avoid now to say Soy belga, in stead I use soy de belgica, same meaning, less confusions. Although I am doubting to maybe use soy belga again more often because laughter is a good conversation starter and secondly, I learned that when you use it to describe yourself it actually changes meaning and then it means more or less the same as Soy El puto amo. ('casa de papel'-watchers will understand this)

So far this lesson in chiapaneca slang.

Hasta luego Amigos. 

B. Supertramp
