Need to go to the dentist...

2 november 2018 - Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico

My weak teeth have to make life a little more difficult again ... This week while I was flossing my teeth, I chipped of a piece of one of my front teeth... Luckily it can't be seen because it is a piece from te back side of my tooth.

I'll have have to go to a dentist in chiapas. If anything, it will be at least an interesting experience I guess #AlwaysLookOnTheBrightSideOfLife ...

And for those of you who are thinking that veganism is the cause of my week teeth (yes I can hear your thoughts, it is called magic, I learned it at Hogwarts): I have had week teeth for as long as I can remember and I am only a bit over a year following a plant-based diet... So not related.

As I read some "scientifically" (I must confess the results were not strong and there is a lot of debate going on about the subject) it might even be the case that being a non-vegan for most of my life has actually increased the porosity of my teeth! :o :o :o Say what?!?!?! I sense a world-wide-conspiracy between the health industry and the dairy industry. For people who don't understand sarcasm, the conspiracy thing was a joke. I don't think dentists are THAT evil, although they do sometimes seem to enjoy torturing me a little bit to much. And I don't think the dairy industrie is that evil. Oh wait, I take that back, the dairy industrie is the devil incarnated. Really. They are. It's a fact, not an opinion. Not my fault. 

It is a fact that milk (and in general dairy) contains a lot of calcium and therefore it is a general accepted idea that consuming dairy is good for bone health and teeth health. Before going vegan I have consumed a lot of dairy whole my life, I drank lots of milk as a child and always loved cheese and yoghurt. As I am reading now high dairy intake might be correlated with (and causing?) week teeth and osteoporosis. Anyway, I am not an expert on the matter, but it is worth looking into. That is an opinion, not a fact. Learn the difference. ;) 

What I do know is that calcium is one of the minerals in my daily multivitamin. Furthermore, there exists foods that contain at least as much calcium per weight unit as milk, a short non exhaustive list: some seeds (like sesame and chia), most green vegetables, beans, lentils, chickpeas, some nuts (for example almonds), rhubarb, tofu, some dried fruits (like for example figs). Now guess what foods my diet mostly contains...

Long story short, I mislead you and used a not so important fact (chipping of a piece of my tooth) to influence you to #GOVEGAN. I promise I will not do this again. Just kidding, I will keep torturing you with vegan facts until you #GOVEGAN. That is also a fact, not an opinion.


B. Supertramp (a.k.a. La verga)